Welcome. You belong here.

I invite you to consider a psilocybin journey so that you may better know this in your very bones: that your life is precious, that you matter, that you belong. You can learn to love yourself and others more fully and experience more satisfaction and enjoyment with life. We as human beings have this incredibly beautiful capacity for wonder and joy inside us–yes, every single one of us. And there are many ways of seeing our way into these experiences. Let’s explore together what needs healing and how to access more of these yummy states. 

As a licensed psilocybin facilitator, I provide compassionate, knowledgeable, and trauma-sensitive psilocybin facilitation and integration for individuals and groups to support personal growth and development, help catalyze healing, and assist individuals to live with more vitality, meaning, wonder and joy. Psilocybin journeys can be deeply meaningful experiences for individuals, allowing them to experience more wonder and awe, recover wisdom within, and heal emotional and psychological wounds.  

As your facilitator, I offer thoughtful, loving support through all the stages of the experience, including providing you thorough preparation, deep presence and support throughout the journey, and skilled guidance during the integration phase, where you reflect on your experience and consider how it has affected you and what changes in thinking and action you may want to take in life for lasting impact. 

About Me

In addition to being an Oregon-licensed Psilocybin Facilitator, I am a psychotherapist*, a mother, and a lifelong learner, exploring various paths of healing and development over decades in a variety of professional and personal ways. I have a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology  and postgraduate training in secular Buddhist psychology, humanistic/existential therapy, specialized therapy with adoptive families, trauma training, couples therapy, and more. I have trained in Pine Street Sangha’s meditation mentor program and practice reflective meditation regularly, periodically training therapists in the Sangha’s continuing education training program in restorative ethics. 

I have found psilocybin to be an incredibly helpful ally in my own healing of early trauma and loss. It’s hard to describe the depth of belonging, security, and love I have experienced in expanded states. My sense of gratitude, wonder, and awe for this life have grown immensely. It’s not that my tender, wounded places have vanished, but that I am increasingly able to hold them within a larger sense of self that is whole, resilient and rooted in life. 

Curiosity and compassion are my trusted companions in my work with clients. I believe that each of us has a healing capacity within. As your humble guide, I am here to support you in making friends with this inner healing force.

*Note: In my work as a licensed psilocybin facilitator, I set down my “therapist hat” and am not working as a licensed therapist in this role. 


Arah Gould


Instagram: @renewwonder